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No Mercy's new website is www.NMClan.Tk We have moved to that site. Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for the absence of notice.

For the chat... Go to www.NMClan.Tk or just click it... Also, Remember to CLICK the skull... Common sense people.

These are the chat rules, if you don't follow them, you will be punished accordingly....

☆ The following rules apply to EVERYONE

1-a.) Have some fun but respect others, tell jokes but don’t be a dumbass. Treat people the way you want to be treated.

2-a.) If you were part of this clan before, and you left, you are no longer welcome to come to this chat. If you left, stay out, don't come back to our chat. Talk to your new clan or someone else instead of us. To some people.. this rule does not apply. If you want to come back to the clan, Private Chat $|m$hdy, No one else.

3-a.) No demanding for promotions no matter what. Leaders will decide that.

4-a.) No spamming the chat!! You will get banned.

5-a.) This rule is most likely the most important one to Everyone! No perverted remarks are to be said toward or even about Sarah or any other member. I don't want to hear about a girl down the street that happens to be a "slut" or anything like that. Actually, this applies for all females for that matter. If I catch or hear about ANYONE downsizing a female or wearing a perverted name, Consequence = Permanent Ban

☆ The following rules apply to members of the им No Mercy Clan ☆

1-b.) Clan tag is [NM] before your name. No smilies before [NM] or your name. You can have whatever you want After your name just as long as you have either [NM] before your name.

2-b.) Your name in the chat should be the same name as in the game, unless your name in the game is www.NMhq.tk you do not need to change your name in the chat to the site. If you are not a member of the No Mercy clan then this does not matter.

3-b.) Don't recruit and test anyone out!!! Only the leaders have the privilege to do so. If anyone wants to join and those people are not in the chat, come back every so often to get the chance to do so.

☆ The following rules apply to Mods/Owners of the им No Mercy clan ☆

1-c.) If you are a Mod and you abuse your powers, you will get demoted.

2-c.) Do NOT complain about why you are not Owner. Only Leaders and Co-leaders are Owners. So, if you complain, you will be demoted.

☆ The following rules apply to non-members of the им No Mercy clan ☆

1-d.) Do NOT come in here and demand for a war!!! Asking is a different story. So, Think before you speak. Consequence = BAN for 2 hours.

2-d.) Do NOT try to recruit from this clan. Consequence = Permanent BAN.

3-d.) Do NOT mess with or insult any member of this clan or you will be banned for 6 hours.

4-d.) Do not have your website link in your name. Warning then Ban.

The above rules are very easy to follow, so ......... just do it

Clan Requirements

1.) You MUST have a Kill Death Ratio of at least 1.50. If it is lower than that, then you can't join the им No Mercy clan.

2.) You Must be the age or over the age of 16. If you are under the assigned age, and you really want to join the clan, then you will be given a test. Test procedure is located in the Membership Guidelines.

  Eminem - Not Afraid