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No Mercy's new website is www.NMClan.Tk We have moved to that site. Thank you for your cooperation and we apologize for the absence of notice.

Please read these Membership Guidelines and the Code of Conduct carefully before using nmhq.tk (hereinafter referred to as "the site") and joining the им No Mercy Clan (hereinafter referred to as "the clan"). By using the site and joining the clan you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms of use, please do not use the site or join the clan. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these terms at any time. Please check these terms periodically for changes. Any and all changes shall be submitted for approval via им Member Only vote prior to final publication and implementation.

All data and information provided on the site is for informational and entertainment purposes only. The site and its administrators make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on the site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.

Furthermore, the site and the administrators shall not be held liable for lost productivity, damage to familial relationships, and degradation of maturity.

им Membership Guidelines (effective 3-7-10):

1-e.) You will be given a test by an OWNER, or preferably Foxy, in a 5 minute 1v1. You must kill your tester at least 7 times without using any Rifle Grenades, Martyrdom, any Light Machine Guns, or by using C4s, or frags x 3. If you use any of the previous said perks/weapons or you do not get the kills needed, or if through clan discussion that we see that it is apparent that you shouldn't be with us, then you cannot join the им No Mercy clan. Sorry.

2-e.) Any signs of immaturity or any remarks that are considered immature toward им Members or им Administration will result in deletion of account on the им forums and/or permanently banned from the chat...

3-e.) Add the им tag to the front of your in-game name and to your chat name and also, add all Friend Codes to your in-game friends list. Friend Codes can be found by looking on the right column under the chat on that page.

Only one code per member will be added to the list(s). Spouses codes may be attached to yours. Other family members will require completion of these membership guidelines.

4-e.) Pick a name to stick with and role with it. You can change your name to www.NMhq.tk to try and get people playing to come to the site and get recruited but other than that, you must stick with a name you want to keep for the rest of the membership with the No Mercy clan. NO changing of names ....... Plain and simple.!.!.!

5-e.) Agree to abide by the им clan Code of Conduct (CoC).

6-e.) Register in the No Mercy Forums. Click >>> https://nomercyhq.board-directory.net/profile?mode=register

им Code of Conduct (effective 3-7-10):

In order to keep our group within the highest standards of fair play, as a member of им clan you will agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct. Disregard for the Code of Conduct will result in removal of membership privileges temporarily or up to indefinitely based on the judgment of the clan.

1-f.) Absolutely NO glitching in public matches. Glitching is defined as using any known game defects, including, but not limited to, utilizing flaws in the online maps to get under or outside the map and levitation glitches. The only time getting under or outside the map is allowed is to kill someone who did it first, and even then you are only allowed to kill the glitcher, no one else. Levitation glitching is always prohibited as levitation glitchers can be killed without resorting to cheating.

2-f.) Absolutely NO hacking in public matches. Hacking is defined as manipulating game code through any means not provided by the games publisher to alter a game and/or system in order to generate abnormal behavior, including, but not limited to, unlimited health and ammunition “cheats”. If caught hacking period, you will be banned from the clan.

3-f.) Utilizing a lag switch or any such device to manipulate players' connections is always prohibited.

4-f.) Watermeloning, the practice of boosting ones stats by playing against someone whose purpose is to let you win, is forbidden.

5-f.) Members of им clan are expected to give preference to teaming up with fellow members over playing with non-members. Members of им clan are permitted to play with members of other clans and/or non-affiliated players when there are not enough clan members available to form a team.

6-f.) Two-timing, defined as being a member of more than one clan at a time, is also forbidden. A member of им clan who wishes to maintain membership in No Mercy clan is not allowed to do so if that member tries to recruit, advertise, or otherwise promote another clan on this website or over voice chat while playing with members of им clan. Friend codes (wii), gamer tags (360) or PSN ID's (PS3) for the member's other clan will not be included on the Master List. Friends of the Clan or members of other clans who do not wish to join No Mercy clan will still have their information posted in the appropriate area of the Master Lists.

7-f.) Be respectful. Any personal problems between members of им clan and/or non-members should either be addressed between the involved parties via Private Messages or with the Clan Administrators via Private Messages. Problems should not be aired in the forums or with other players present on Skype or any similar program. If the administrators decide an issue requires the input of the entire clan then and only then will a topic be posted for discussion.

8-f.) Pick a name to stick with and role with it. You can change your name to www.NMhq.tk to try and get the people playing to come to the site and get recruited but other than that, you must stick with a name you want to keep for the rest of the membership with the No Mercy clan. NO changing of names .... End of Subject.!.!.! =P

9-f.) During gameplay do NOT use the following: Rifle Grenades, Grenade Launchers, Noobtubes or whatever you want to call them. If you want to be in this clan, then pick up a real weapon and shoot their ass with real bullets instead of exploding projectiles.

10-f.) I am going to make this last rule as simple as it can get... just so that people don't get confused by it. Do NOT be joining members' games through the "Join Current Game" option. Only if invited, you can join, but thats only to join their party. Do not go against fellow members of your clan. We're family.. Not enemies!! End of subject. If you happen to go against a party of fellow members... get the fuck out of that match and find a different one or party up with someone else.